Emanuele Bagnaschi (DESY) and Alessandro Vicini (INFN, Milan and Milan U.)
During my career I have published several articles on different peer-review scientific journals.
You can find below a list of short presentation of my articles.
Researcher at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
During my career I have published several articles on different peer-review scientific journals.
You can find below a list of short presentation of my articles.
Emanuele Bagnaschi (DESY) and Alessandro Vicini (INFN, Milan and Milan U.)
K.J. de Vries (Imperial Coll., London), E.A. Bagnaschi (DESY), O. Buchmueller (Imperial Coll., London), R. Cavanaugh (Fermilab and Illinois U., Chicago), M. Citron (Imperial Coll., London), A. De Roeck (CERN and Antwerp U.), M.J. Dolan (SLAC and Melbourne U.), J.R. Ellis (King’s Coll. London and CERN), H. Flächer (Bristol U.), S. Heinemeyer (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.), G. Isidori (Zurich U.), S. Malik (Imperial Coll., London), J. Marrouche (CERN), D. Martinez Santos (NIKHEF, Amsterdam and…
Emanuele Bagnaschi (Diderot U., Paris and Paris, LPTHE and DESY), Matteo Cacciari (Diderot U., Paris and Paris, LPTHE), Alberto Guffanti (Bohr Inst.), Laura Jenniches (Bohr Inst. and Wurzburg U.)