E. Bagnaschi (PSI, Villigen), H. Bahl (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), J. Ellis (King’s Coll. London and NICPB, Tallinn and CERN), J. Evans (Korea Inst. Advanced Study, Seoul), T. Hahn (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), S. Heinemeyer (Madrid, IFT and Cantabria Inst. of Phys.), W. Hollik (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), K.A. Olive (Minnesota U., Theor. Phys. Inst.), S. Paßehr (Paris, LPTHE), H. Rzehak (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins), I.V. Sobolev (DESY), G. Weiglein (DESY), J. Zheng (Tokyo U.)
During my career I have published several articles on different peer-review scientific journals.
You can find below a list of short presentation of my articles.