E. Bagnaschi (DESY), J.C. Costa (Imperial Coll., London), K. Sakurai (Durham U., IPPP and Warsaw U.), M. Borsato (Santiago de Compostela U.), O. Buchmueller (Imperial Coll., London), R. Cavanaugh (Fermilab and Illinois U., Chicago), V. Chobanova (Santiago de Compostela U.), M. Citron (Imperial Coll., London), A. De Roeck (CERN and Antwerp U.), M.J. Dolan (Melbourne U.), J.R. Ellis (King’s Coll. London), H. Flächer (Bristol U.), S. Heinemeyer (Cantabria Inst. of Phys. and Madrid, IFT), G. Isidori (Zurich U.), M. Lucio (Santiago de Compostela U.), D. Martínez Santos (Santiago de Compostela U.), K.A. Olive (Minnesota U., Theor. Phys. Inst.), A. Richards (Imperial Coll., London), K.J. de Vries (Imperial Coll., London), G. Weiglein (DESY)
DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-4639-6
e-print: 1610.10084 [hep-ph]
We perform a likelihood analysis of the constraints from accelerator experiments and astrophysical observations on supersymmetric (SUSY) models with SU(5) boundary conditions on soft SUSY-breaking parameters at the GUT scale. The parameter space of the models studied has seven parameters: a universal gaugino mass $m_{1/2}$, distinct masses for the scalar partners of matter fermions in five- and ten-dimensional representations of SU(5), $m_5$ and $m_{10}$, and for the $\mathbf{5}$ and ${\bar{\mathbf{5}}}$ Higgs representations $m_{H_u}$ and $m_{H_d}$, a universal trilinear soft SUSY-breaking parameter $A_0$, and the ratio of Higgs vevs $\tan \beta$. In addition to previous constraints from direct sparticle searches, low-energy and flavour observables, we incorporate constraints based on preliminary results from 13 TeV LHC searches for jets + events and long-lived particles, as well as the latest PandaX-II and LUX searches for direct Dark Matter detection. In addition to previously identified mechanisms for bringing the supersymmetric relic density into the range allowed by cosmology, we identify a novel ${\tilde{u}_R}/{\tilde{c}R} - \tilde{\chi }^{01}$ coannihilation mechanism that appears in the supersymmetric SU(5) GUT model and discuss the role of ${{\tilde{\nu }}\tau }$ coannihilation. We find complementarity between the prospects for direct Dark Matter detection and SUSY searches at the LHC.