Emanuele Bagnaschi (PSI), Alessandro Vicini (CERN and INFN Milan)
During my career I have published several articles on different peer-review scientific journals.
You can find below a list of short presentation of my articles.
Researcher at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
During my career I have published several articles on different peer-review scientific journals.
You can find below a list of short presentation of my articles.
Emanuele Bagnaschi (PSI), Alessandro Vicini (CERN and INFN Milan)
Emanuele Bagnaschi (PSI, Villigen), Giuseppe Degrassi (INFN, Rome and Rome U.), Sebastian Paßehr (Paris, LPTHE), Pietro Slavich (Paris, LPTHE)
E. Bagnaschi (PSI, Villigen and DESY), J.C. Costa (Imperial Coll., London), K. Sakurai (Warsaw U.), M. Borsato (Heidelberg U.), O. Buchmueller (Imperial Coll., London), A. Roeck (CERN and Antwerp U.), M.J. Dolan (Melbourne U.), J.R. Ellis (King’s Coll. London and NICPB, Tallinn and CERN), H. Flächer (Bristol U.), K. Hahn (Northwestern U.), S. Heinemeyer (Madrid, IFT and Cantabria Inst. of Phys.), M. Lucio (Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE), D.Martínez Santos (Santiago de Compostela U.,…